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Senin, 22 November 2010

Online Debate: The Role of Social Network System on Learning - Teaching

Raden bayu Herlambang
November 18th, 2010 at 7:31 pm

Raden bayu Herlambang
NPM 35110514
grade 1 DB20

Is Social Network has been mostly beneficial to the students in support of teaching and learning process?

I think in terms of learning, social network or as an example of facebook is very good because we already know before Indonesia was the largest in the world of facebook users because with facebook we can also interact with each other in the learning process, we can inform each other tasks, can ask about specific knowledge , but everything has an impact of positive and negative,
positivnya impact in my opinion;
1.pelajar, students and the general public can do the gathering and sharing knowledge

2.sebagai relieving fatigue with us to update the status of an electronic diary that anyone can read

3.sebagai mempermendek distance between the user of any world dibelahan

4.dan can also as a motivation from us to other friends or other friends to our

5.sebagai advertising or promotion of goods or services

6.untuk students or students talked about lessons or to certain organizations that support school values

Negative impacts;
a lazy student or students and kryawan because menfaatkan alpikasi chat on facebook because preoccupation

2.kadang as a venue for fraud on penjualaan or create an account without the knowledge of famous artists

3.remaja not become self sendirinnya as an example a lot of teens think my eyesight using a fake photo that was not a photo dirinnya sma biasannya they enter the picture that looks interesting

4.pemanfaat parties who are not accountable to the volatile teenagers like penjualaan teenagers, and become prostitutes, teen diiminggi money and jobs

5.bagi children who are studying under the most manic smp usually use facebook and cause to be wasteful of life for children

LIVE 6.dampak or physical is eye irritation, pain in the spine due to sitting too long causes tension on the spine and a more severe active radio radiation cause of cancer because the cells of our body is damaged and is not well developed

Therefore, the need ditingkatnya from sd, smp, sma, lectures, and the world of work or public dissemination of damapak, the use of social network use via tail seminar conducted instasi 0seminar education, government and organisasiagama, PKK and the need for better interaction of the use of social networks.
The role of parents is the most basic thing to watch her son on the use of social networks after that school and the environment

Goddess Mayasari
November 18th, 2010 at 8:21 pm

I think personally, the existence of social networks like facebook and twitter is actually beneficial, especially for students on our campus, Gunadarma, based on technology because we can establish silahturahmi and share information to our colleagues and find information quickly through the cyber world. As proof that social networks are beneficial to us it made a group on social networking sites (facebook) whether it is per class, per SME, as well as faculty, sample group BEM FE Gunadarma. This is mengguntungkan because through this group, we may share information about courses and activities we are also able to share and know the event - any event to be held at the University Gunadarma.

The withdrawal of the blade, technology (social networks) that there will always have two opposite sides, namely the positive side and negative side. Positive side of using social networking sites / social networks I have presented above, while the social networking site they will also have a negative impact. The negative impact of social networks include:
- Addictive
Addictions must be a social network we've ever experienced even possible until recently. Tsb addiction can arise because nowadays the flow of information and communication we rely on existing technology, especially the cyber world (the internet and social networks)
- Kidnapping
We often hear the kidnapping, especially against a girl by a man who had met through social networking sites-Conflict
conflicts occur because one party to write statements that discredit the opposition on social sites that trigger the fight either through their personal sites - each as well as other media and even open warfare.

In the end, the use of social networks might have a positive or negative, which specify only our own personal - each, how can we utilize existing technology whether it's for something positive or negative thing?

But so far, I personally still feel the positive impact of social networks coupled with the existing online service at my ease Gunadarma silahturahmi in keeping with my family and facilitate access to information without limited by space and time.

Name: Dewi Mayasari
NPM: 21210907
Class: 1EB09

Hanni Anisa
November 18th, 2010 at 9:25 pm

There is the opinion of those who say that facebook is menbawa negatif.Tetapi impact in my opinion, facebook is a positive impact in my life for example, find old friends, bersilahturahmi with relatives who are outside the city, discussing problems with friends and lecturers lessons through chat and still many more people's opinions about facebook. There may be people who abuse facebook in the negative. Therefore, many people who gave the argument that facebook was negative. In this case, return to ourselves how to use facebook that good.

Name: Hanni Anisa
NPM: 33210127
Class: 1DD03

ahmad fauzi mercy
November 18th, 2010 at 9:39 pm

for me with a social network can lead to negative results for students, because it can reduce their learning spirit

ruth Giovanny
November 18th, 2010 at 9:52 pm

I think facebook may be one means of learning, but not very useful. because until now students who have a facebook account also does not utilize existing facilities with a maximum difacebook. in fact often sought is purely entertainment. such as games, chat, comment mutual status, which sometimes even update the status is not important to inform the public.

November 18th, 2010 at 9:59 pm

affection for classes 2,3,4 not in sertakan.kalu participate in to include debate may contain added

Irfan Kusuma
November 19th, 2010 at 4:54 pm

in my opinion, social networking like facebook and or anything like that can support the learning process, especially learning to organize. why is that? because in social networking like facebook for example, there are groups which allows facebook users to join the group and exchanged ideas (in this group a positive reply).
Because on facebook too many groups of odorous and contain SARA negative thing. If you like this must go back to each individual who thirst can fortify themselves for not participating in the group.
In essence, social networking like facebook to organize both individual and social development of its own if the individual is able to refrain from negative thing.

Name: Irfan Kusuma
NPM: 33110604
Class: 1DB01

November 19th, 2010 at 6:53 pm

Ardiansyah, indeed affection, 2,3,4-class can not follow this race ....
The competition was open only to one level (special grade 1) with consideration of the race have the same knowledge base. If the race is open to all classes of the knowledge of the participants is more diverse, knowledge and experience will be different from class 1 grade 4 so that the race is likely to be not balanced ... ....
Mudah2an the future, we also held a contest of this kind to another level:)

November 19th, 2010 at 7:07 pm

The participants race to deliver an opinion either pro or cons of the above articles or opinions of the other participants.
Vice versa the participants to answer the arguments of other participants of the opinion

Reza Sanzero
November 19th, 2010 at 3:52 pm

if may add, the existence of social networking we already know that depending on facebook and twitter and we looked at in terms of which aspects, all those things its pros and cons, so whenever possible we should be able to sort out - choose whichever is better and that makes us as a student aware of the duties and obligations and do not get carried away and we fall into this negative side of a trend.
maybe it heheehe aja ..

Reza Sanzero EB05

Zulfikar Ali Akbar
November 19th, 2010 at 6:03 pm

I think Social Networking for a student like a double-edged sword. Having a good side because of Social Networking can help a student when he finished college. Social Networking can help the student get a job faster. In addition, the Social Networking student also has the closest links to help your problem. But the negative side of Social Networking practically very time-consuming and mind. One such effect is to make students lazy and forget their obligations as a student. Apart from these two things if the students who run the Social Networking can set the time and his mind so he can take as much of the goodness of Social Networking and minimize the negative impacts caused. Maybe that's it

Zulfikar Ali Akbar 1KA21

Goddess Mayasari
November 19th, 2010 at 6:38 pm

I support the opinion of
Name: Irfan Kusuma
NPM: 33110604
Class: 1DB01

I agree with the opinions of Irfan because in my opinion, self / our personal who can determine whether the use of social networks that have a positive or negative for ourselves. It can not be denied that several groups that exist in social networks (facebook) there are positive or negative, but it all depends on us personally in react to it. If we act wisely and fortify yourself with godly faith in God Almighty, I thought someone would not be easy to fall into the negative impact the use of social networks.

Name: Dewi Mayasari
NPM: 21210907
Class: 1EB09

Meilidyaningtyas Cantika ryadiani
November 19th, 2010 at 7:39 pm

Is Social Network has been mostly beneficial to the students in support of teaching and learning process?
In my opinion, the answer is of course beneficial. Because of the popular social networks like facebook and twitter now that we (students) can exchange information each other. As a university student Gunadarma, namely technology-based university course, we should be able to obtain information quickly through the cyber world in the modern era and the more advanced. Examples like this. If the A do not enter college today because there are activities that should he live, then he asked the B, best friends. But the B does not provide information that is so clear. Surely she would ask the head of the class of that class that is the C. however, the A does not have a phone number or do not know the email address of the C. because the course material is taught in the day when the A does not make very important then the A would not want to have to ask the C in order to obtain more complete information. The most easy and quick to help the A contact person C is through social networks like facebook and twitter.
I take that example because it is proof positive. This example I took from the habits that made my class. would not it also helps the learning process? Hhhe?. There are also other benefits of getting to know one and other friends. Sometimes despite our classmates do not know who they are. Even the name alone sometimes we lupa.bisa sejurusan also to find friends. The word people do not know it was love you? Well, in social networking can help us get to know our classmates and can help us to memula learning activities together. if you already know her and learning more and more attractive and comfortable.
The main purpose of social networks by the creator made it for positive purposes, such as helped us to exchange information, share something that we dipikiran, etc.. However layaknyaa a blade, a social network that has 2 parts the opposite. Of course there is a good side (positive) and the other side of that is the downside (negative). Both sides arose or arise from our perspective and in terms of where we take the benefits. Everything was back to each of us personally. If we could see it from a positive side, of course, social networks can be useful for us also (positively beneficial.) but if we nmelihatnya from the viewpoint of the bad or the negative side, the impact that will arise is also worth a negative or a bad influence for ourselves. Essentially everything is back to himself. Therefore, the social network that has made the creator for all human beings to know each other as well as to exchange information should be best utilized by us as a user (the user). We should be able to sort out where the good and bad things. Do not let pride or anything just because we fall into the wrong path. A key success of how we determine the attitudes and take action from a mature consideration, instead of a hasty manner and origin so. ?

Name: Meilidyaningtyas Cantika Ryadiani
NPM: 14110323
Class: 1KA25

Rizka bi Mulyani
November 19th, 2010 at 9:14 pm

sorry I do not agree with Ahmad Fauzi RIDWAN. because social networks do not always have to have a negative impact. There was a positive thing that has been described by RADEN BAYU Herlambang. every thing has been done there must be positive and negative. no social network may be made only to a positive course or on the contrary it is only negative. sure everything there are pros and cons of it. it all depends on the user's social network in question. if the user can use a social network with properly and with the applicable rules will certainly produce positive results. if the user could not use social networks properly, for example misuse of existing media such as facebook which is used as a mode of kidnapping, theft, fraud, etc. will definitely produce negative results.

and in teaching and learning social network can actually be used to find the widest horizons can from friends facebook / twitter,, relatives, or people who have not known to us can also get insight from him. can also get info or idol of our artists every day. real social network is very useful if we can use it properly. segaptek-gapteknya people would they know what social networks: facebook, twitter, yahoo etc.. ranging from small children to the elderly, they use social networks to communicate with relatives, distant relatives or perhaps one that has not met could meet in a social network.

so, the conclusion can be said social networks positively or negatively depending on the wearer.

thank you
name: Rizka Dwi Mulyani
NPM: 46210101
Class: 1 DA 02

Hanni Anisa
November 19th, 2010 at 9:52 pm

I wish to refute comments ahmad fauzi mercy.
Not all students to be lazy to learn after the facebook.
My proof, in the presence of facebook, do not make me lazy to learn, even facebook helped me in terms of lessons.

Name: Hanni Anisa

magic wibowo
November 19th, 2010 at 10:00 pm

whether soccial network or facebook more benefits for the students Dlm support the process of teaching and therefore learning?
I think social networks do not provide benefits for students but more keruganya for students in the process of teaching belaja
network of social benefits
1. can connect the old friends who have not met
2. to know the state of the distant relatives through the inter-wall
3. to add friends via sosil network or facebook
loss or facebook social network
1. students become lazy to learn because he was busy chatting with friends via facebook
2. biyaya out extra to buy credits in order to always update the status on facebook
3. there are many scams that like in television news as fraudulent names, then as a student mengaku2
4. make students less interaction with social lngkungan being too busy with a laptop or HPnya to my facebook
5. pnting facebookkan more than on learning and depart kuliyah for the already addicted to facebook like everyone who kejanduan online game and can not be separated
name: magic wibowo
class: 1DC02
NPM: 46110335

November 19th, 2010 at 10:23 pm

I think social networks like facebook not too powerful for students in teaching and learning. Social networking sebgai just a place to share information and place bertukarnya mind. social networks bring more negative effects than positive. with the social networking students doing only a short way is by mengcooy paste the information obtained from social networks are sometimes even without reading the contents of the information that ultimately only produce value to the student and not knowledge. students also tend to be fixated with what happened in the world of social networks and forget their real job as a student. Social ntwork also tend to be a place pouring out thoughts and hearts of the users who can unwittingly offend other people who can fight or quarrel resulted in the virtual world. Social networks are also often used to do things other negative. This is because of the many things that can easily be done if it is associated with the virtual world.

If you want to discuss the positive side, of course there is the positive side of social networks. But social networks are often misused, because consciously or not that's human nature. Things like to take for granted! thing that was originally created for something positive like add friends and keep silaturrahmi instead be used for things that are negative. people prefer to receive something without having to work hard. And that's a given social network for college students if applied to student life. The material is in a social network that was originally intended as an example or reference for other students even just copied paste by other students who do not want to painstakingly learn the material covered! That's why I think social networks are not influential and negative skew if it is applied to the student life while if applied to human life as social beings, social network was pretty good though in the end to reduce the introduction and the meaning of true friendship because in the end all will be glued to people who are in cyberspace and not those around them. Introducing the average starting hanay of the "look" ... or better known as the profile picture.

In essence, the benefits from the social network itself and the pros and cons must be returned back to the intentions of each individual in which the fact is, most users are very easy to be lulled by the ease with which provided social networks that gave birth to generations that average lazy and have the nature of true plagiarist! and I am sure it is not the future we want for our nation then it should be a social network can give birth a generation of creative and dare to argue that the purpose of social networks in the beginning not only increase the number of friends but really creative and compete with each other become a better person .

ahmad fauzi mercy
November 19th, 2010 at 10:41 pm

I want to comment on rebuttal Hanni Anisa .. The first comment is one example of the negative impact fb ... did you not everyone is lazy but I think most of the seriousness of learning disrupted by the fb ...
I know there are positive and negative fb,, tp in my opinion mudharattnya (negative) more than the benefits in all aspects.
name: ahmad fauzi mercy
NPM: 49210460
class: 1da03

Ririn astriyani
November 20th, 2010 at 8:14 pm

to the question "whether the social network more useful to students in learning to teach?" I think not, because one student may be regarded in the labile for his personal self, so more students use social networks to mengungkapakn guts compared in terms of teaching and learning process .
for general use existing social networks which says "negative" and "positive". it all back into their personal - each. one can determine it positive or negative, especially for students who already dikatan "Maha" means able to choose good or wrong for her own self - each.

Santoso Permadi
November 20th, 2010 at 8:23 pm

Assalamualaikum wr.wb

Is Social Network has been mostly beneficial to the students in support of teaching and learning process?
that in asking for student learning, but why beriming-iming kidnapping and so forth?? of course it outside the context of the question.

if the student in question so there must be two parties who answered berbeda.antara supports "positive meaning" and "not support" negative meaning. "
This perception was taken due to the different needs of different people.
as students can certainly choose what is best and what tidak.apa profitable and what tidak.dalam one time student at the ask if facebook help you in the learning process?
the answer is yes, of course.
why I say yes?
1.ketika I forgot about the coursework saya.saya can see the group in my class who fit within facebook. In which there is motivation friend, task and event class "this tertentu.tentu positive.
2.sebelumnya I can not type well, but because it used to use facebook to just wall-wallan other chat and I now have pretty well to typing on board keyboard.tentu positiv again.
3.facebook is social networking the most in the public interest, using the facebook of course a student can make the learning process socialize extensively, both include city, state, or outside the country.
IT 4.mahasiswa certainly curious that there is a programming language in just facebook.apa contained there? Kila when right clicking on the page, then click view page sorce.kita will know programming languages in use facebook, "of course useful and positive".

That's my little perception of the impact positivenya facebook for me, but for a broad student must have the same views and some are different, this probably caused the HR people especially university students in Indonesia only think negatively about something, but something must be in view of positive for as we go through something in line with our view, that is positive ..

facebook used to taste before you life exploited by it, and the like as a student can think jernih.saya sure students can change the paradigm as pervasive positive thoughts in his mind ..
instill positive habits in your mind.

wassalamualaikum wr.wb

Name: Santoso Permadi
NPM: 26210365
class: 1EB13

Meilidyaningtyas Cantika Ryadiani
November 20th, 2010 at 8:48 pm

I want to refute the comments from relatives wibowo magic, in my opinion dtimbul losses like that you mentioned it did have a point, but try to look back on their personal .. facebook or twitter really helped us in teaching and learning, if we use it best according to their utility. in my opinion, status updates, online games and other things that exist within it sebenarya facebook is not so important. why?
because the update status is largely confined to the liver express feelings ynag not delivered and can only be diluapkan in cyberspace. while online gaming is really only for the business to others. so all the negative consequences that, back in our own self. not a social network that causes bad things as you mention. oh yes, if it pembaawaan or lazy habits of each person, if they just put a rush just as busy on the social network was then that the lazy, self inflicted. usually they are lazy to learn and it is different but the emphasis facebook or chat with friends so they want to always exist. so take a look back at our own self. instropeksi ourselves back, and reconsider what attitude should we take to determine the right decision. do not just follow trends. :)

Password Supreme Harseno
November 20th, 2010 at 5:03 pm

Basically, everything that exists in this world must have 2 sides, there is a bright side, there is a downside.
If we talk about it much benefited Social Network for Students. yes depending on the students themselves. How Could he use it.
If we URLs of the Social Network as Jewels, this is where it can be seen the extent of student quality. How Could he use it so that it becomes beautiful jewelry. if we can actually use it, the social network is very useful, for example, we can exchange ideas with people who are more intelligent, like scientists, not necessarily in the real world we know, our seniors, or with our teachers. Who might not be done in the real world, because the lesson and time limitations. or here we can build communities that have similar interests, or even a promotional event when we have a result of certain works.

Password Supreme Harseno

Rayi dwiky son
November 20th, 2010 at 7:24 pm

Before I come to express opinions
I want to give it its own social network explanation
Social networks (social networking) That is the Internet network that connects between one person to another or social activity. Or in the language in short, a place / site / forum where we can socialize in a website / virtual world
for example like: facebook, friendster, myspace, and other

nah from the above understanding in mind what are the benefits if we join the social network itself. What terdasar when we join with the associated social social network with friends a lot and its ability who can bring such nuance in the real world, although not all aspects are embodied

Not only that we also can a lot of information on the latest information from social networking
According agamapun side exists, namely to maintain silahturahmi among friends or distant relatives
And many more advantages as they say @ Meilidyaningtyas Cantika ryadiani and @ Raden wind Herlambang

Well no ivory that is not cracked, and therefore also lacks social networking
As already discussed by @ Raden bayu Herlambang and @ Goddard Mayasari

And in terms of teaching and learning process for students in my opinion is very very important, why? For me to take the side benefits more than the losses

benefits in teaching and learning of them like to share with friends classmates, class differences as well as our seniors, we sometimes can also share or just Q & A with our teaching assistant

So in terms of important and useful, in my opinion is very important and very useful information For any information more quickly until the students are and more benefits than losses obtained

Rayi name Dwiky Son
NPM 15110687
grade 1 ka 13

Siti Hutami
November 20th, 2010 at 8:05 pm

I want to express a brief opinion about the benefits of social networking for students,
Starting from its positive impact, many of which are being addressed by teman2 before, that we too feel directly manfaat2 ini.mulai of social networking to bersilahturahmi, voicing an opinion, send a task or data, share about life experiences, news, information, providing convenience to our eyes horizon of the world.
However, its negative impact appears along with the progress of this technology, a person tends to cool the virtual world rather than socializing in the world nyata.dan mostly as I know, the things that are written or spoken person in the social networking terkadangTIDAK ALWAYS in accordance with kenyataan.karena it could be is a plagiatisme or fraud.
so I think we had better not be too much to use networking digunadarma tersebut.walaupun we are required to use information technology department, but in my opinion enough to use as needed saja.demikian was my brief opinion?

Name: Siti Hutami
Class: 1EB05
NPM: 26210593

arie kurniawan
November 20th, 2010 at 8:21 pm

facebook sometimes also be useful. as people use facebook with good pa evil. sometimes influential people with a lot of time. facebook could be mutual interactions among the people of his time away at any time be able to share information and exchange of experiences and nozzle informasih
arie kurniawan
NPM 11410037

Ibrahim Dapetenta Ginter
November 20th, 2010 at 9:17 pm

Social networking is another name to the web community. Social networking is the place for the netter netter collaborate with others. Forms of collaboration include exchange opinions or comments, make friends, emailing each other, give each assessment, exchange files, and so forth. The point of social networking sites is the interactivity.
In the field of social networking in education, especially facebook can be used as a medium of learning. This is considering that facebook users in Indonesia, mostly among students and college students. Therefore, the use of social networks is interesting enough opportunity to be applied in education as a medium of learning.
For example, a teacher can give the task to the students through facebook or a student share (share) of experience in the facebook, even a student can use facebook to learn to write is usually posted on the note or notes.
But unfortunately, it has not been done by most users of facebook.

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